Monday, December 22, 2008

#12 Rumors - Anna Godberson

I love, love, love this series! The Luxe series by Anna Godberson is a totally different kind of YA Fiction than I grew up! Think Gossip Girl, circa 1899. I can't get to into a plot description with this one, because it's the second in the series. But I can say that it lived up to the original (The Luxe), if not surpassed it! The story lines are so scandalous and romantic. The descriptions of the clothing makes me want to drool. But these books are not inappropriately sexual, like the Gossip Girl series. You can give these books to a 14 year old and not worry about her mother losing it on you. I wish that they had books like these when I was a teen. I guess I will just have to enjoy them in my thirties! If you are a historical fiction freak like me, you will love these. If you are a hopeless romantic, you'll love these. And if you like mystery and intrigue.. you'll love them too!! I can't recommend them enough. And the author is super friendly.. you can find her on myspace and she replies personally!


  1. How great that she replies on My Space! I will have to check these books out.

  2. This is so exciting!
    I can't wait to read this.

  3. oh those books sound wonderful. i am a sucker for ya fiction...I need to read something...

  4. Hmmm, I'm not much of a reader. Not because I dislike books, just hard to find the time. The book you described makes me want to find the time!

  5. I LOVE historical fiction. The next time I have money to spend on books, I'm totally checking those out!

  6. Ok I am always looking for a great book..I am a book worm for real..I wonder if I can pick The Lux up from walmart??

    Also you must get the book Redeeming Frances Rivers... you might think at first you aren't going to like it..but keep reading..I couldn't put it it in 2 days..

  7. Umm Keri ....them toes is freakin me out a little..haha

  8. oooh sounds good! I'm looking for something to read and this sounds like I will really like it!

    Thanks for the info


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