Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Would You Rather Wednesday.......

Here goes.. answer my two questions and maybe post one of your own......

Would you rather..

know it all or have it all?

Would you rather...

be without your cell phone or internet access?

Bonus, immature, gross-out question...
would you rather...

Sneeze popcorn
poop confetti?

awwww.. God.. I am giggling at that one. I swear I have never matured past a twelve year old's sense of humor.


  1. Wow, these are tough!

    Know it all, cell phone, and poop confetti.

  2. I would rather be stupid and rich then smart and poor, so Have it all.
    I can live without my phone, I ignore it most of the time anyway. But I HAVE TO HAVE MY INTERNET.
    And definitely poop confetti. I usually poop roses so confetti migt be fun.

  3. Hilarious!!! Know it all, cell phone as long as I have internet access on it and poop confetti!

  4. Oh, I'm terrible but.... HAVE IT ALL! And definitely wouldn't give up internet. And, honestly, I am half considering eating some glitter just see it in the toilet later! ;-)

  5. OHHHHH these posts are hard! lol

    **have it all. no doubt.

    **that's a hard one! Right now i'm gonna go w/ cell phone.

    **Poop confetti! boy would i be the life o the party! lol!!

  6. have it all

    cell phone

    poop confetti

  7. LOL great questions!

    I say Know it all, internet access, and poop confetti b/c heck that is a show in itself....

  8. I think I would rather know it all...then I could make enough money to buy it all if I wanted.

    I would rather have one calls me anyway.

    Poop Confetti for would really cut down on decorating costs, lol ;)

  9. LOL I'd like to know it all, be with out a cell phone, and poop confetti! What fun;) LOL


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.