Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Wow.. This is shocking to me...

I am a pet lover. I love dogs in particular. I cannot imagine my life without a dog in it. I become very attached. My dogs are spoiled. They are loved beyond measure and become a part of our family. So when I heard about Dog Rental services I was very shocked. Maybe I am too sensitive.. but I think this is the most awful idea ever invented. Those poor animals being shuttled back and forth, never really recieving the love they deserve. I can hear people now saying that "it's better than a life in a kennel". Is it?? I don't know! What do you think? Here is another article on the subject. What are your thoughts? am I the only one finding this shocking?


  1. Yeah I don't really like it. Plus, the locations are NYC, LA and London. What could city dwellers want with rent-a-dogs? Does PETA know about this?

    Thanks for following my blog! Merry whatever you celebrate!

  2. I dont' like this idea at's somewhat disturbing to me...

    Merry Christmas!!!

  3. i am so with ya'll.... this is a HORRIBLE idea. i feel bad, cause these dogs may be with someone who is truly great to them, then they just get taken away and the dogs don't understand why... actually this flat out breaks my heart

  4. I'm the wrong person to ask--I'm so wishy washy about stuff and can see both sides of it. But maybe it would be better to visit shelters or rescue groups and take one of the dogs from there out for the day? Although, that would technically be renting out pets too. I know my life is not complete without a dog in it!

  5. That is weird, who thought of this idea? I think it would be confusing for the poor dog.

  6. Yeah... that doesn't seem right. I don't like that idea at all. Poor dogs.

  7. I think it is silly; either commit to a dog or don't.

  8. I am with you, not a good idea! Fur babies deserve permentant homes too, not to be passed around like a rag doll!

  9. Doesn't seem fair to the dogs.

    Merry Christmas.

  10. I would say the ppl that do this might have some attachment issues?
    And I would hope that the ppl that run the business treat the dogs like gold when they are back at home base?

  11. umm, I have never heard of this , I think its horrrible!! why in the world would anyone even think of this....

    Merry CHRISTmas tho!! LA

  12. Yea I am not for this idea at all! This is wrong! Mind if I borrow it to post on my The Voice for Animals Blog???

  13. It is kind of strange. I can't see how they can check on all the people who might want to borrow these dogs. And you are right ... how stressful for the dogs to go to all these different houses. Like children, I think dogs thrive on routine and familiarity. Very weird.

    Thanks for following my blog and I hope you had a very merry Christmas!

  14. I think that is a very BAD idea...

  15. I think it's horrible too! Those poor things!

  16. it could work maybe as play dates?

    kind of like dog prostitution or something...

  17. We have a dog from a rescue. Had we borrowed her for a short time, both of us would be totally confused. And to have it happen over and over. I don't know. Doesn't seem right.

    She did puke three times yesterday though. So maybe someone else should rent her for awhile... :)

  18. What a terrible idea!!! The poor puppies must be so confused...every time they get adopted, they get sent sad!!!

  19. I have to say I tend to agree with you here.

    My doggy is just another one of my babies! Are we gonna 'rent' babies? guess they kinda do with 'foster' kids but still not the same.

    I would not like the idea of her being passed around from place to place and I know SHE would not like it. She stays inside with me and follows me everywhere.

    What about the dogs that need a schedule...will everyone feed them the same amounts at the same time? Some will let on the furniture, some not! The doors to go outside will be in different places therefore, more accidents and unhappy renters?

  20. Geez that is like a 50-50 thing to me. I think dogs not adopted deserve all the attention and hugs they can get. But then there is the fact that they will be confused and could grow attached....ayyy. I could never not have my Max around, and SHARE him? No way!

  21. I'm going with, NO! This is horribly insensivtive to the dogs! Just when they they are home free with a loving family, they go back to the kennel! Ugh! Cruel!

  22. This is so wrong. They're treating dogs like inanimate objects without feelings. How sad.

  23. I don't like the idea. I love my dogs and can't imagine this. Would you try out your kid?

  24. I would think it would be very confusing for the poor animals. Don't they need routine and consistency?!

  25. What's next? Renting babies?? Terrible thing :(

  26. Who ever thought of this idea should be 'rented out' and see how they like it. It's just plain stupid and cruel. Two thumbs down.

  27. Wow, seriously? People do that? That's just a horrible idea and I really can't believe they do that.

    Gosh, those poor dogs.



Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.