Monday, December 29, 2008

Quick Christmas Recap...

Ah.. Christmas...what can I say? It was magical, mystical, enchanting and ....boring. I love, love, love the holidays and usually get very into baking, making crafts, finding the perfect gifts and wrapping. But not this year. Not really sure why, maybe it's money or maybe I am just tired. Who knows?

What I do know is that we spent the past week in bed. And not in the good way. You know about Roslyn's hospital visit, and Tuesday we found out she had a double ear infection. I came down with a raging cough and ear infection the next day. So instead of popping Christmas cookies and candy canes, we've been downing antibiotics and Imodium!

On Christmas eve, she woke at, I am not kidding. She had a coughing fit and couldn't go back to sleep. Finally at 4:30 we gave up and let her open her gifts. She was very happy with her haul. She got a huge stuffed Yoshi(from Mario brothers), pink webkinz dragon, a Leapster Didj and games, books, lots of crafts, a locket with interchangeable gems, games like checkers and connect four, a bedding set.. lots of stuff. Her only disappointment was the fact that she didn't get the Beanie Baby hummingbird she asked Santa for. (however, a few hours later, she realized that was because Nana and Pop got it for her, making her Christmas complete.)

Craig actually got his new road bike (bicycle) last week for Christmas and since it was over a grand, I couldn't get him much else. So he got a mountain bike calendar for work, a bike medallion necklace, and a movie from his childhood (Explorers, remember that movie?)

I was very happily surprised that I got an Ipod Touch!! Lord, how did I live without this thing before? I can check email, watch videos, load all my music, listen to audio books. It has a planner, Internet, radio.. oh my! I love, love , love it! Does anyone have one?? aren't they amazing? I know, I am so old school... I can't believe I was an ipod virgin!

Anyway, that's about it... we seem to be getting healthy again, and Hubs has the week off so things should be looking up!!

And don't forget to check out the song of the day on the sidebar!


  1. I'm so sorry Roslyn was sick durring the holidays..hope every one is feeling better..

  2. Sorry you had illness in your house over the holidays...hope you are all better now!

    My daughter got a touch Ipod for is amazing!....I'm so jealous!

  3. Sounds like you guys had a good least when it came to the gifts.

    Ear infections suck so I'm sorry to hear the Ear Infection Fairy made a stop at your house!

  4. I'm sorry to hear about all the illness in your house over the holidays. That isn't any fun. I hope everyone is feeling better now!

  5. sorry you all were sick during Christmas! Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas my daughter got an ipod nano!

  6. Sounds like some great gifts! I'm so out of the loop I didn't know there was an iPod touch! I'm still lovin' my nano!

  7. yeah, you survived now enjoy some down time. everyone in my house is sick now oh yee haw.

  8. hope you all are feeling better! i only have the nano, but the rest of my fam has the touch and they love it. rock on, girlfriend!

  9. oh man! i had no clue...i was kinda MIA during the holiday- you poor things! glad you are all doin better too...and still enjoyed your presents.

  10. I am sorry you all got hit with the sickies!!!

    Enjoy your iPod!!!

  11. Glad everybody is feeling better. I know how much those ear infections suck. That Ipod sounds cool. Blogging is about as high tech as I get.

  12. i am so sorry she was sick on christmas. bradley woke up with a nasty cold too! hope you are all feeling better!


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