Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Houston... We Have Pink Eye...

At 12:30 today I had a mild heart attack when I recieved a call from Roslyn's school. (really.. can't they just start out by saying.."everything's fine.. don't freak out.. " But they don't.) The nurse said " This is the school nurse and we have some questions for you." (come on.. is this an interrogation?? why am I sweating?) " Did Roslyn seem ok this morning?" Um, yeah. She then said."Roslyn has what appears to be pink eye. And she had an accident." This is where I freak. "An accident? What kind of accident?" The nurse pauses and says "Fecal."

Oy.. couldn't she have said "she messed her pants". My God. Still, that freaked me out. Because she is six and has not had "accidents" for years.

So we go to the doc and she has a virus. She's got eye drops for her eyes, Immodium for her tummy and brand new stuffed dinosaur because Mom is a sucker for a sick kid.

And now, I have to go hold my child down, kicking and screaming, and try and squirt medicine in her eye. I have a feeling I'm gonna come out of this covered in bruises.


  1. Oh, poor girl. i hope she is feeling better soon. Sounds like she has 2 very not fun things!

  2. Oh no! I am so sorry! I hope she has a speedy recovery.

  3. Oh yeah, you'll be hurtin when your done. If your lucky enough to get the drops in.
    The poor baby. Hope she gets to feeling better soon. :)

  4. poor thing... I hope she is feeling better soon. I thought Brayden had pink eye a few times, but it turned out it was sinus drainage actually coming out of his eyes... not good at all!

    Hope she didn't beat you up too bad trying to resist the drops!

  5. So sorry to hear this. Hope she feels better soon and you don't get it

  6. Oh no!!! Lets hope the other kids in class didn't catch on to "the other accident". Poor Baby!!

  7. About the eye drops, what we have done, one we get the kids to lay down, is let the kids hold a paper towel under the eyes and then let her dab her eyes after you've put the drops in. It made my kids feel more in control of the process and some of the medicine got in to the eyes regardless.

    Was that clear as mudd?

  8. Oh Poor baby...your daughter too.: ) The word 'fecal' is a bit much isn't it? : ) Is the bathroom stuff related to pink eye? Can pink eye go there? hehe...I'm serious, but realize that I'm so immature.

    Hope she feels better soon. By the way, you can just have her close her eyes, place the drops on the inner corner of her eyes, when she opens them, then medicine will go in.

  9. Oh pink eye SUCKS! You have to wash EVERYTHING that they have touched or they'll just keep re-catching it!

  10. I'm so sorry to hear that! Poor thing. I hope it clears up soon!

  11. Pink eye and an upset stomach? Poor kid- I would've gotten the dino too. Hope she gets well soon!

  12. No one in the class knew about the "accident" it happened after she was at the nurse's office. thank goodness!

  13. My son pooped in his underwear earlier in the school year (age 6 too) and when his teacher called, she also said the word accident. And my heart stopped. Why can't they just say poop!

    Hope she feels better soon!

  14. Oh poor thing, I feel so bad for her and you! *hugs*

  15. Oh I remember trying to do that to one of my kids...not fun...hope she starts feeling better!!

  16. Oh, the poor thing. I hope she's feeling better soon! That's definitely no fun at all:(

  17. Oh no!!! I hope she's feeling better soon. As a mom with a kid in a daycare that runs rampant with germs I can totally understand how annoying those drops can be. Mason ends up with pink eye at least once a year..ever since he started daycare.

    Hey I don't think he's gotten it yet this year *knock on wood*.

    and then to get the poops too....poor litlte girl :(

  18. That sucks! I'm sorry for both of you! That's almost as bad as having to suction a three year olds nose! :( No fun!


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.