Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Stolen from Babbling Brooks
You have to list 10 honest things about yourself. Then tag others to do the same!

1. I have a wicked crush on Jack Black.. I know, sad.
2. My daughters Girl Scout troops needs another leader, and I don't want to do it.
3. I gossip with my husband way too much. I try not to gossip with girlfriends, because feelings get hurt. But hubby and I can gossip like some old ladies at a church social.
4. My kid is superior to all other kids.. deal with it.
5. I got my eyebrows waxed this weekend.. why is that a big deal? because I don't like people in my "personal space". But those bushes needed some help! No more tweezers, baby!
6. I bought new glasses this weekend.. very cute.. cats eye style. Hell, if you're gonna wear nerd goggles, they better be cool.
7. My husband is my best friend. I have some fantastic girlfriends, we're like the Golden Girls.. very supportive, silly and love each other. But Hubby is still number one
8. I spoil my pug more than I spoil our Airedale. He's so little and cute and she brings me dead squirrels.
9. My friend just called to tell me she is going to burger king with her kids and I am tagging along, childless. Is that sad? I want a whopper dammit!
10. I love the show Ghost Hunters.

there ya go.. random enough for ya?
Now, all my lovely readers, consider yourself tagged! have at it!


  1. I so need an eyebrow wax! I was plucking away yesterday, and just when I think I get them all, I look in my rearview mirror.

  2. I love watching those ghost hunting shows but only if my husband is home with me!

  3. Thanks for playing along!
    I am too scared for the eyebrow wax thing...I mean I have had 4 kids and I am scared of the pain....go figure!

  4. I just did mine! And my eyebrows look terrible right now! I need a highlight and an eyebrow wax. I think I'll call for an appointment!

  5. *LOL* Love the randomness truth.


Ya wanna say something? Then just say it.. spit it out already.. sheesh.