Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Are you EFFING KIDDING ME?????????????

Ok, I can't take it anymore. Seriously, if one more person I love gets sick.. I'm gonna... well, I'm gonna...do something. And it will probably involve some sort of hissy fit.

My mom has had a cold for a few days. Today I called her and she sounded like crap. I told her I would take her to the doc and she argued with me. So, I did what every responsible daughter does in this situation. I told her to shut up, hung up on her and called the doctor and made an appointment. I then called her back and said, "Get your ass dressed. I'm coming to get you."

Now, I realize that sounds harsh, but you do not know my mother. She is the mother hen, literally. She spends all day, every day,waiting on us all, worrying her self sick, and spending all her free time doing something for everyone else. She does not take care of herself. She had not been to the doctor in 5 years.

So after a an hour of waiting for her to hem and haw and wash her hair and take the dog out and make sure the coffee pot was off 15 times, we left for the doc.

The nurse took her temperature. Looked at it and shook her head. She then got out a new thermometer and tried again, grabbing mom's wrist to check her pulse. She then proceeded to literally run out of the room and get the doc from another patient. They put her on the Ekg machine. Her temperature was 104.6!! Her heart rate was 140.
The wanted her to go next door immediatley for x-rays. And do you know what she said ? "I think I need to go home first and think about it." I dragged her miserable butt to the radiology lab and 15 minutes later we found out she had Pneumonia and they were admiting her to the hospital.

I am worried sick. They just hooked her up to antibiotics and fluids. She looks awful . My dad will not leave her side. I meant that, literally. Not even to use the bathroom. I had to go get his pills and take them to him at the hospital. He wouldn't go get anything to eat, so I had to go get him some food and make him eat it.

My parents are the most devoted couple I have ever seen. They are so tight, it almost makes us kids feel like intruders. I mean, of course, we aren't, but they are each other's half and it's obvious. My dad is a recent heart patient, so now I am worried about him as well. He cannot afford to get sick. His health is shaky as it is.

So, those of you that pray.. could you say a little prayer for my parents tonight? Those of you who don't, please just keep her in thoughts and hug your parents if they still bless this earth. I love my mom so much and I am so scared for her.


  1. Oh my gosh Kel, I do say prayers and i will be saying one for your mom. Thank GOD you got her to see the doctor - what a blessing of a daughter you are.

    She's in the right place now being taken care of like she needs to be - she just needs to let her body rest and heal.

    Keep us updated.

  2. Oh my gosh-I hope your Mom feels better soon!

  3. Glad you are persistent! I'll surely be sending my thoughts and prayers to you and your family! (((HUGS)))

  4. Oh, thank God you were there to be the sensible one! I'll pray for all of you. Don't worry; she's in good hands.

  5. Kel, I am the praying type and I will be praying for her!

  6. ((((Kel)))) You did the right thing by making her go -- good daughter!! She's in the hospital now and they'll do everything she needs. I'm sure she'll be alright, and of course we'll be praying for both of your parents. They sound wonderful, and I'm glad they have eachother AND you.

    Love Mer

  7. Definitely in the prayers! You are such a GOOD daughter for getting her INTO that doctor's! It could have gotten worse if you let her get her way!

  8. I so know how you feel...my mom is prone to pneumonia so she gets it a lot and my son and I both just got over pneumonia ourselves! It's horrible! I hope that your mom feels better very soon...I'll keep her in my prayers!

  9. She is definitely in my prayers!! Your dad sounds so sweet and devoted, she is very blessed to have such a loving family! And good for you for making her go, my mom is the same way, they take care of everyone else while neglecting themselves.

    I hope she will be all better soon!

  10. {{{ gentle hugs }}}}}

    You did good by your mama, I pray she has a fast and smooth recovery!!!

  11. I am so sorry Kel. I will definitely be keeping your parents as well as you in my thoughts. Sometimes I forget to pray as I fall into bed at night, but if I remember she will definitely be on my prayer list. I'm so glad you made her go to the doctor! I guess there is a such thing as daughters intuition just like mothers intuition!

  12. I'm so sorry Kel! I hope your mom takes a great turn in health asap and that your dad can get through this without too much stress and with staying healthy. I'll say a prayer for all of you. My thoughts are with you!

  13. WTH? I guess Mom's don't always know best! She sounds just like MY mom. just this time last year she had a spell in and out of the hospital 3-4 times...she is doing great now. Your mom will be better!!

    You stay on her about taking care of herself. Maybe if you explain that she won't be there to take care of you guys if she doesn't get herself better first. That worked with Mom.

    You and your family are all in our thoughts and prayers!

  14. You are a testament to what a loving daughter should be!

    They will both be in my thoughts.

  15. Totally praying for you and yours! This flu season SUCKS!!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  16. Omg....your mom sounds so much like my mom--tough love is the only thing that gets her out the door. I am praying your family into wellness...sounds like you need a vacation to somewhere hot and beachy..lol take care Kel :)

  17. Kel I am putting your mom, your dad, and you on my prayer list. I wish your mom a speedy recovery. Take care.

  18. I'll be keeping your whole family in my thoughts and prayers!!
    Glad I found your blog and hope you have a peaceful start to 2009. Keep us posted.

  19. I'll say prayers for you and your family! I'm glad you forced your mom to go to the doc. Sometimes, the CHILD knows best, right? I hope she's feeling better soon.

  20. your whole family will be in my thoughts and prayers!!

  21. we will add her and your father to our prayers.
    keep us updated!

  22. I am so sorry to hear that, I will keep your family in my prayers.

  23. Your mom and family are in my thoughts AND prayers. Thank God you brought her to the doctor!!! That is terrifying. I hope your New Year is blessed with your mom coming home.

  24. Goodness! I can understand the frustration and the concern. I hope all goes well and there is a speedy recovery. Until then, you have my heartfelt prayers!

  25. so sorry to hear about your mom, but so glad you got her to the doctors! sending prayers your way.

  26. Gee thank goodness you dragged her to the doctor. I will send good vibes your way and your mom and dad will be in my thoughts. Hang in there tough girl.

  27. So often things happen during the holidays. Thank goodness you got her to the doctor.

    Sending our thoughts and prayers to you.

  28. I'm just now reading this and I hope she's doing better--I'll definitely say a prayer for her!

  29. Kel.... so sorry to hear about your mom. My mom is like that too. I have to force her to go to the doctor. Glad you got her in. My prayers are with all of you.

  30. Oh dear, maybe you should make your dad take some airbourne or slip some extra vitamin B in is food some how.

    Good thing you took her to the Dr.! She should be okay now!

    Oh, I finally posted my present from my hubby for Christmas. :)

  31. Praying for your mom to get well quickly, that your dad will not get sick and for you and your siblings to have peace in the knowledge that everyones prayers will be answered.

  32. Oh, Kel! I am so glad you took her to get checked!!!

    Prayers absolutely on the way for you parents...

    Keep us posted, okay?

  33. Pneumonia! Yikes! I'll pray for her!

  34. I'm so sorry your mom is sick. I'm a little late reading this, I hope she is feeling much better now.

  35. OMG, it's a good thing you are bossy!!! If she had not gone to the doctor it could have gotten so much worse...she is lucky to have you. I will be saying a prayer for mom and dad...and you!

  36. I'm so glad your forced her to go to the doctor. I'll be sure to keep your mom and the rest of your family in my thoughts.

  37. i just want you to know I prayed for your mom! I'm glad you dragged her to those doctors


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